On Wednesday we went to do some kayaking. That was the first thing we did. It was cool because me and Paula nearly fell off the kayak, he was always standing on the edge of the the kayak and it went to side to side. We started to laugh .
Next we went to the Top Team challenge. The first thing we did was fill up water balloons. Then when we finished. We had to go our castles and go on the boards. The first one to get to the end has to chuck the water balloons at the other team.
After Top Team, Respectronics went to camp cooking, we cooked dampers and marshmallows in crackers it was yum and tasty. We cooked our damper with a bamboo stick. The first step was we got four cups of flour, added some water, sultanas and then mixed it to a dough. When it was mixed we put them on our sticks, then we held on top of the fire. When it was cooked we got to eat it.
Sleeping in a tent was the coolest out of the things, because we keep munching in our tent. I also heard some snoring, I thought that it was Paul or Peh So. I thought it was paul because he always snorse at his house. Me and paul woke up at 4.00 in the morning. When we had to woke up we went to the hall for jump jam and it was fun.
I wish that we could have another great camp next year. I want to get better at cooking dampers.
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